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draw with no talent

How to Draw With No Talent

Don’t think you can draw with no talent?

✔️ You can’t draw a straight line
✔️ You can’t draw a perfect circle
✔️ You can only draw a stickman
✔️ You have no ideas

Let me be the first person to tell you it doesn’t matter.

What you need is a blueprint!

draw with no talent

Let’s start with drawing people- the most common thing people want to draw. Any realistic or cartoon figure begins with what is called a wire-frame (or skeleton). This is a finely-crafted framework that muscles, features, and clothes can be easily placed on. You can learn to do this by creating an upgraded version of something you already know how to draw- a Stickman!

Break it Down into Head-Sized Parts

Pro tip: Always start by drawing the head and then working down.

You can see here that even this basic stickman has some proportions. By starting with a circle head and duplicating it, we can place the Waist and the Feet. A realistic human figure uses this same idea except the total height is between 7-8 heads tall.

When a house is built, the paint and picture frames don’t go up first, same goes with a piece of art. You have to start with laying out the basic measurements (called proportions in art-terms), pouring the concrete foundation, and putting up the wooden studs. If you skip this step there is a 99% chance that your drawing will not turn out well. A master artist can skip these steps because they have memorized them, but not a beginner!

This will take some time and repetition (like any skill), but the good news is that it does not require talent AT ALL. This is not some magical idea that drifts down from the ether and only talented people can pick it up with their art-antennas. The proportions of the human body have been studied and documented for thousands of years. Even in ancient Egyptian artwork you can see that the figures are accurate to the biological human form. Your best bet is to bite the bullet now and tackle this challenge head-on.

You see, artists don’t just sit down and magically create drawings straight out of the womb with no training. There are secret steps that will allow you to begin drawing anything once you learn them. This is the key for how to draw with no talent. Some people might say I’m talented, but you don’t need to be naturally gifted to follow my direction- I actively create my lessons to benefit the absolute beginners of the world.

How to Draw Dynamic Stickmen

how to draw with no talent

I want you do be able to do this to prove to yourself that you CAN draw, you just haven’t used the right starting method to build your confidence yet.

That is why I created this short and to-the-point course with no fluff.

Seriously, stop reading blog posts on random sites and get the goods right now! The time you save will be worth it.

Aren’t you tired of not being able to draw and show others the ideas that you have inside?

how to draw with no talent

“How to Draw Dynamic Stickmen” will show you everything you need to know to upgrade your rudimentary stickman into something that looks legit!

Using these secret steps you will begin to understand how to plot human and cartoon figures onto a page in any position with ease! Punching, jumping, running, and more.

how to draw with no talent

Best of all you don’t need any experience to start!

It will also give you the lightbulb moment when you realize how you can use these techniques for drawing animals and anything else you can think of.

What are you waiting for? Learn how to draw with no talent NOW!

– Kevin Gardin